The digital wonderland
The block
When entering the world with VHS VR, the user enters the block where content becomes scenes. The user can Look around for different content or open the menu to see the content list.
The digital wonderland allows users to interact with different content and interact with each other too.
The block
The creative platform allows contents creator to create new content fast and corporate with others creators.
The creative platform
Scitewrite is a creative platform that allows people to create content. Scitewrite offers creators many 3D sources and direct adjustments for quick creation.
The powerful VR glasses with order dispenser.
The powerful VR
VHS is a VR device designed for the block and scitewrite. VHS has sensors, an order dispenser; bone conduct earphones build inside.
The block
The digital wonderland allows users to interact with different content and interact with each other too.
The creative platform allows contents creator to create new content fast and corporate with others creators.
The powerful VR glasses with order dispenser.
Blockbuster iii
A brand strategy including three designed products for Blockbuster utilizing upcoming technology and trend to bring Blockbuster back to the market.
2020 14 weeks school project
The digital wonderland
The block
For example, When entering the matrix scenes, the user becomes the character in the story. The user can make decisions and interact with different characters in the story to change how it goes.
The creative platform
Scitewrite also allows group creation by inviting friends and colleagues; creating content can become a fun, exciting process. group members can also make changes to the project.
The powerful VR
VHS is a lightweight and powerful device that allows users to enjoy long-time wearing experiences. In the same way as glasses make wearing comfortable and simple.