Research Brief
What is ofo?
ofo was the largest bike-sharing company in 2016; due to their excessive expansion and policy change, it faded out of the market in 2018. ofo left with over 10 million bicycles, and over 20% are damaged. Those bikes are a waste of resources and encroach on public space.
What is in ofo bike?
The ofo bike is constructed with five materials: Foam, Steel, Primary Aluminum, Nature rubber, and Plastic. Because of the short time span of ofo bikes, large size manufacture, and lack of subsequent treatment, of deal serious damage to the environment
Design for reducing Green House Gas emissions in the manufacturing process
Design for reducing the environmental impact of abandoned bikes
Design for reducing transportation impact in material manufacture and distribution
Design for benefiting the local community
Design for providing people who work for manufacturing a cleaner evinvorment
Design goals
OUO Wheelchair
A wheelchair designed to use 90% of material recycled from broken share bikes. To reduce the environmental impact and bring job opportunities for locals.
2019 - 14 Weeks School Project
OUO Wheelchair
The parts from bikes are perfect for making a wheelchair. Also, according to the Free Wheelchair Mission, there are 75 million people in need of a wheelchair who cannot afford one.
The wheelchair design picked is based on utilizing the main support structure of ofo bike as the main support structure for the wheelchair.
Design for reducing Green House Gas emissions in the manufacturing process
The OUO wheelchair is designed to reuse the material from ofo bikes. The wheelchair will not change the manufacturing process of the bike but will change the process of wheelchairs.
Design for reducing the environmental impact of abandoned bikes
Using the material from ofo bikes reduces the number of abandoned ofo bikes.
Design for reducing transportation impact in material manufacture and distribution
By setting the workshop nearby where ofo bikes are being abandoned. It will decrease a lot of transportation from material to manufacture.
Design for benefiting the local community
Setting the workshop nearby where ofo bikes are being abandoned (Mainly in rural areas) will create job opportunities for locals.
Design for providing people who work for manufacturing a cleaner evinvorment
Setting the workshop nearby where ofo bikes are being abandoned (Mainly in rural areas), People are closer to their homes.
During the process of making one OUO wheelchair, there are still some leftover parts from ofo bikes. During the manufacturing process, those parts will be cleaned and taken apart. The leftover parts are ready for recycling in the end.
Flat packaging enables OUO wheelchair to ship anywhere needed. At the same time, the local shop can utilize local materials to make seat cushions and add-on pieces.